A baker?s dozen plus one have applied to lead the University of Louisiana System ? the state?s largest university system that includes UL Lafayette under its umbrella ? according to the Associated Press.
According to the AP, the following candidates have applied:
Michael A. Wartell, chancellor emeritus and chemistry professor at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
Gary M. Lawler, chancellor of Pennsylvania State University?s Hazleton campus
Lesley Lovett-Doust, who resigned in February as president and vice chancellor at Nipissing University in Ontario, Canada
Ann McDaniel-Echols, the only Louisiana candidate, who is a medical technician at the Louisiana State Penitentiary
Ronald A. Nykiel, business college dean and professor at Husson University, Bangor, Maine
Ravi Chinta, an associate professor of management and entrepreneurship and CINTAS Ethics Fellow at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio
Walter Johnson Jr., computer information sciences department chair at Shaw University, Raleigh, North Carolina
Sylvia A. Mason, interim chair of the school of education and NCATE director and program coordinator for graduate special education at Kentucky State University
Niranjan Pati, dean and professor at the William G. Rohrer College of Business, Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey
Martin M. Shapiro, professor of marketing, management and international business, Berkeley Colleges, New York and New Jersey
Walter V. Wendler, director and professor, School of Architecture, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Behnam Pourbabai, vice president of technology, Automatica Inc., Reston, Virginia
Alfonso Miranda-Daleccio, budget director, Department of Labor & Human Resources, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Gwyndolyn McClellan, CEO/president, Value-Based Management, Inc., Sarasota, Florida

- Gay apocalypse already at LSU
OCT 31 The Advocate's Steven Ward outlines the research of an LSU social work class that's been looking into discrimination against LGBT folk since 2007. Critics of the LGBT studies at UL may want to do their own research here: the class has been studying this aspect of human existence for all this time, and nothing bad has happened to them. Well, they might be more enlightened. That would be HORRIBLE.
- Bayou Buzz critical; Madonna not likely to recover
OCT 30 Jeff Crouere opines artists like Madonna should "shut up and sing;" the singer got booed for talking up Obama at her recent NOLA show. (Think Jeff's opinion has anything to do with the Romney ad running on his blog?) Anyway -- Madonna has probably already halted her onstage politicking; after all, she's made a career out of listening to what the square white guys say. Right?
- NOLA community group wants protection from corruption
OCT 30 A NOLA community group plans to appeal their exclusion from a federal consent decree aimed at reforming the New Orleans Police Department, according to this Gambit blog post. The consent decree is supposed to stop corruption in the NOPD, and these citizens think they've got a stake here, since they're usually the victims of it. Nah, let the courts and the cops handle it. They're doing fine so far!
- Gill: "publicity hog" couldn't care less about boos
OCT 30 The Picayune's James Gill addresses Madonna-gate, and frankly it's worth reading this blog just to see a reference to that imprisoned Russian band (you know the one) under the venerable journalist's byline. He does have a point: Madonna cares not if her fans walk out. If it generates media attention, she's probably thrilled. But really, if you're easily offended, what the heck are you doing at a Madonna concert?
- Aswell on the benefits of public service
OCT 30 Ever wonder why people fight so viciously over Congressional seats? Tom Aswell has an opinion: He pulls some interesting info out of a Washington Post story about the seats' impact on the bottom line of those who hold them. In particular, he looks at two local guys currently engaged in the catfight of the century: Boustany and Landry.
- Blog post craziness to be examined in federal court
Oct 30 Anyone brave (or stupid) enough to read comments posted anonymously under online news articles really deserves what they get. This Gambit post catches us up on a defamation suit filed against a former federal prosecutor who allegedly haunted comment boards under several aliases, accusing the plaintiff of breaking the law. Maybe he forgot he's supposed to prove that in court?
- Maginnis: Lege punts on health care
OCT 30 John Maginnis says the legislature decided to walk away from the state's health care crisis, and in this Baton Rouge Business Report post he gives some good reasons why they might not want to wade into that quagmire. Chief among them? If Jindal's candidate doesn't win the White House, it's going to get even worse. He keeps telling us how smart he is. Let him deal with it.
- Oh, sorry: didn't see your sign
OCT 29 Remember that "Brownie" guy? The one who was in charge of the federal screw-up following Katrina? At the time, it seemed he was callous, racist, lazy, shifty, something sinister. Turns out, he's just really, really stupid. An alternative paper in Denver (where Mr. Brown now has the exalted position of co-host of a local radio program), posts this interview, which really explains everything.
in case you missed it
- Shunick file reveals new details in case
District Attorney Mike Harson has opened up Brandon Scott Lavergne?s case file for media viewing. The 218 pages provided by Harson?s office reveal a few new details regarding Mickey Shunick?s murder and the life of her disturbed killer.
- OMG, Landry?s rich!
Or, have we arrived at a peculiar place wherein one Republican makes a campaign issue out of a fellow Republican?s personal wealth? That?s a rhetorical question. Of course we have.
- LUS tinfoil fee: $12.20 per month
Lafayette residents who fear that ?smart meters? will sap their vitality, scramble their brains or otherwise render them incapable of living rich, fulfilling, private lives will have to pay a smidgen over $12 per month to keep one foot in the 20th century.
- Iowa to Jindal: mind your own damn business
Gov. Bobby Jindal?s trip to Iowa over the weekend was greeted with no small amount of sniffing and huffing by Iowans perturbed by the Louisiana governor?s ?temerity? in lecturing the Hawkeye State about its state supreme court judges.
- RE: Parks & Recriminations
In spite of a few parsimonious partisans, Lafayette residents recognize that government revenue ? yes, taxes ? is necessary for the greater good.
Source: http://www.theind.com/news/indreporter/11822-fourteen-vie-for-ul-system-prez
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