Right to Repair Debate over in Massachusetts. Now?What?

With the ?Right to Repair? bill pass?ing through the Mass?a?chu?setts House of Rep?re?sen?ta?tives, what?s next? Within the next three months after Gov. Deval Patrick signs the bill (which is expected soon), automak?ers have to pro?vide inde?pen?dent shops in the state with full access to repair infor?ma?tion, and the inde?pen?dents have the abil?ity to pur?chase factory-authorized com?puter scan?ning tools. Small inde?pen?dent oper?a?tors now have access to the scan?ning tools that fran?chised deal?ers uti?lize. Automak?ers and deal?ers had been fight?ing the bill for the about three and a half years, but lost the argu?ment, and are now going to see a few changes in the way the repair busi?ness is car?ried out in Mass?a?chu?setts. A sur?vey by AAA says that 88% of its Mass?a?chu?setts mem?bers were in favor of the bill pass?ing. So, it is here, and automak?ers and deal?ers will have to watch what hap?pens next and how it changes ser?vice operations.
Source: http://automotivedigest.com/2012/08/right-to-repair-debate-over-in-massachusetts-now-what/
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